Over the last five months, I have experienced a huge amount of intense change and upheaval, which caused me to become very ungrounded, stressed and anxious. The changes meant I was moving from place to place a lot of the time. I am so grateful I had plenty of tools in my kit to help me. I remember lying awake one night, wondering what it must be like for others who might be experiencing high-level stress and don’t know how to help themselves. In Ayurveda, when a person becomes this way, we promote a sense of routine to help; waking up at the same time each morning at around 7 am, followed by a mug of hot water – especially comforting during the winter months which is Kapha time in Ayurveda. We also promote some form of regular exercise, a brisk walk out in nature during sunlight hours for about 20 minutes, and of course, a regular yoga practice is priceless during stressful times. Here are two Yoga poses to help with stress and promote peace. And breathe.

Standing Forward Pose

Come to a standing position with your feet hip-width apart, inhale and stretch your arms up, exhale and slowly forward fold, bending your knees if you need to. You can either take hold of the back of your legs or just dangle, make sure you release and relax your neck/head. Five deep breaths here. On the sixth breath, inhale, ground down through your feet and slowly roll up to standing. Gently take a standing back bend as a counter pose. Feet hip-width apart, put your hands on your lower back, gently push your hips forward, lift up through your chest, and take your head back but not too far, avoid compressing your neck. Take three to five deep breaths.

Uttana Shishosana
extended puppy Pose

This is also known as melting heart pose! Start in a wide-kneed extended child’s pose. Come onto your knees, big toes touching, knees wide. Inhale and take your arms up, creating length in your spine; exhale and gently fold forward, coming into extended child’s pose. Five deep breaths here. Then inhale and slowly slide your body forward until your bottom is in the air keeping your hips in line with your knees. Five deep breaths here. Slowly slide your body back to extended child’s pose and then come to sit on your heels. You can pop a folded blanket underneath your knees if you need to and place a cushion underneath the forehead if this is more comfortable. This pose stimulates and opens the lungs and heart, increases mobility in the shoulders and stretches the arms and spine/back.  

KINSHIP STUDIO YOGA | www.kinship.studio