Some people shudder at the thought of routine, others thrive on it, whichever person you are I urge you to consider just how important simple routines are.

I’ve just returned from a well needed holiday in the Highlands. The scenery was beautiful, an abundance of autumn colours and the shifting light signified the change in seasons. I was so grateful for the time away, breathing in clean fresh air and going for long walks. The silence was golden, no alarms to set, and no demands to be met. Upon reflection, I realised that although holidays are essential, routines are just as important. When we don’t have structure in our lives it can increase and exacerbate stress and anxiety and we can feel out of control. There is no greater time to form daily healthy habits and routines to focus on things you can control, however big or small. I encourage you to consider Yoga, even for just 20 minutes a day, and this can become part of your well-cherished routine too.